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address() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Return the actual socket's local address, or null if the address correspond to any local address.


broadcast(boolean) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Enables or disables the ability of the current process to send broadcast messages.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class dmxP512.UDP
The default socket buffer length in bytes.


close() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Close the actuel datagram socket and all associate resources.


dispose() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Close the socket.
dmxP512 - package dmxP512
DmxP512 - Class in dmxP512
author Henri DAVID
dmxP512 : DMX processing.org library
class for DMX output.
DmxP512(PApplet) - Constructor for class dmxP512.DmxP512
Uses default universe size(512) and buffered sending strategy
DmxP512(PApplet, int) - Constructor for class dmxP512.DmxP512
Uses default buffered sending strategy
DmxP512(PApplet, int, boolean) - Constructor for class dmxP512.DmxP512
Creates the dmxP512 object.


getBuffer() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Return the actual socket buffer length
getTimeToLive() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Return the "Time to Live" value or -1 if an error occurred (or if the current socket is not a multicast socket).


isBroadcast() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the opened socket send broadcast message socket or not.
isClosed() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the current socket is closed or not.
isJoined() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the multicast socket is joined to a group address.
isListening() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the socket wait for incoming data or not.
isLoopback() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the multicast socket loopback mode is enable or not.
isMulticast() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Returns whether the opened datagram socket is a multicast socket or not.


listen(boolean) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Start/stop waiting constantly for incoming data.
listen(int) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Set the socket reception timeout and wait one time for incoming data.
listen() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Wait for incoming data, and call the appropriate handlers each time a message is received.
log(boolean) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Enable or disable output process log.
loopback(boolean) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Enable or disable the multicast socket loopback mode.


port() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Return the actual socket's local port, or -1 if the socket is closed.


reset() - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
reset all channels to zero
run() - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
background thread taking care of sending the DMX frames.
run() - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Wait for incoming datagram packets.


send(String) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send message to the current socket.
send(byte[]) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send data to the current socket.
send(String, String) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send message to the requested IP address, to the current socket port.
send(byte[], String) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send data to the requested IP address, to the current socket port.
send(String, String, int) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send message to the requested IP address and port.
send(byte[], String, int) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Send data to the requested IP address and port.
set(int, int) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
Write value to the channel, if the value is different from the last written.
set(int, int[]) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
Write values to channels, starting the with the channel specified and incrementing it for each value of values.
setBuffer(int) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Set the maximum size of the packet that can be sent or receive on the current socket.
setReceiveHandler(String) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Register the target's receive handler.
setTimeoutHandler(String) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Register the target's timeout handler.
setTimeToLive(int) - Method in class dmxP512.UDP
Control the life-time of a datagram in the network for multicast packets in order to indicates the scope of the multicasts (ie how far the packet will travel).
setupDmxPro(String) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
set up the DMX output for use with DMX USB Pro Enttenc interface.
setupDmxPro(String, int) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
set up the dmx output for use with DMX USB Pro Enttenc interface
setupLanbox(String) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
Set up the DMX output for use with Lanbox device.
setupLanbox(String, int) - Method in class dmxP512.DmxP512
Set up the DMX output for use with Lanbox device.


UDP - Class in dmxP512
Create and manage unicast, broadcast or multicast socket to send and receive datagram packets over the network.
UDP(Object) - Constructor for class dmxP512.UDP
Create a new datagram socket and binds it to an available port and every address on the local host machine.
UDP(Object, int) - Constructor for class dmxP512.UDP
Create a new datagram socket and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
UDP(Object, int, String) - Constructor for class dmxP512.UDP
Create a new datagram socket and binds it to the specified port on the specified local address or multicast group address.