Expert Sleepers Disting - Quick Reference

ModeAlgorithmZ inX inY inA outB outComment
1AAdderOffset CV 1v stepsXY X + Y + offsetX - Y - offset maximum shift is 10V,+ or -
1B4 Quadrant MultiplierScale factor 1/10->10XY X * Y * scale -X * Y * scale scale = 1/10 to 10x in steps derived from Z
1CFull-wave RectifiermodeXY [Z>0] abs(X+Y)
[Z<0] abs( X )
[Z>0] abs( X - Y )
[Z<0] abs( Y )
1DMin/MaxGateXY min( X, Y ) max( X, Y ) The Z knob/CV provides a gate function. When Z goes higher than approximately 2.5V, the gate goes high and the outputs follow the inputs according to the min/max relationship. When Z goes below approximately -1.5V, the gate goes low and the outputs are frozen.
2ALin/Exp ConverterHz/V scale,centred on 1kHz exp inputlin inputlin output
( 2 ^ X ) * scale
exp output
log2( Y / scale )
Z sets the scale factor which is common to both conversions. It sets the number of Hz per Volt, with arrange from near zero to about 2kHz. The Yamaha CS-15, for example, uses about 1100Hz/V, which is about half way on the Z knob here. The zero Volt point on the exponential scale used is C3 (approximately 130.81Hz).
2BQuantizerscale & fct of YInput[Z>0] transpose
[Z<0] trigger
quantized( X ) trig on note change When Z is positive input Y is a transpose control. The CV on input Y is quantized (to a chromatic scale) and added to output A (after input X has been quantized to the chosen scale). When Z is negative input Y is a trigger. In this mode, input X is only sampled and converted to a new quantized value when input Y rises over approximately 1V. (In non-triggered mode, X is constantly sampled and a new note is output as soon as X moves into the next semitone range.)
2CComparatorhysteresisXY gate X > Y inverted A Output A is a gate signal (zero or +5V), high when input X has a higher voltage than input Y. Output B is an inverted copy of A (i.e. +5V when A is 0V and vice versa.)
2DDual WaveshaperGainXY fold Xtriangle-to-sine Y The Z knob/CV is a gain control, with a range of approximately 30x. Negative values of Z invert the signal.
3ASample&Holdslew rateInput TriggerX when Y exceeds 1Vnoise ±8V The Z knob/CV controls the slew rate of output A. At the minimum value of Z, changes in A are instantaneous. As Z increases, changes in A take place more slowly
3BSlew Limiterslew rate XY linear( X + Y ) log( X + Y ) Outputs A & B are both slew rate limited copies of the sum of X & Y. Output A uses linear slew rate limiting; a step change in the input will typically result in a ramp output, until the output reaches its desired value, at which point it will be constant. Output B uses logarithmic slew rate limiting; a step change in input results in a smooth curve that gradually approaches the desired value. The Z knob/CV controls the slew rate for both outputs. At the minimum value of Z, changes are very rapid. As Z increases, changes take place more slowly.
3CPitch&Env Trackerslew rate for env XY V/oct of (X+Y) envelope of X This algorithm provides pitch and envelope tracking of an incoming audio signal. It will track frequencies down to about 27Hz. Knob/CV Z sets the slew rate of the envelope, controlling how quickly it tracks changes in level
3DClockable Delay/EchofeedbackInputClock dry + wetwet Input Y is the clock input. Any clock pulse in excess of 1V can be used. The time between rising trigger edges is used to set the delay time. If the time between triggers is greater than the maximum delay time, the time is divided by two until it is small enough. This way, you always end up with a rhythmically useful delay time.
4ALFOtune Hz/V freqwaveshape saw -> sine -> tri pulse -> sqr -> pulse Input Y -10V 0V +10V Output A saw sine triangle Output B 0% duty cycle pulse 50% duty cycle pulse 100% duty cycle pulse
4BClockable LFOinteger mult/div 1-16 intclock inwaveshape saw -> sine -> tripulse -> square -> pulse Input Y -10V 0V +10V Output A saw sine triangle Output B 0% duty cycle pulse 50% duty cycle pulse 100% duty cycle pulse The Z knob/CV sets a scale factor which is applied to the cycle time. The scale is an integer (whole number) which either multiplies or divides the frequency, and ranges in value from 1-16.
linear FM
tune ±0.5 oct 1V/Oct pitch linear FM input sine saw The Z knob/CV provides a tuning control, with a range of approximately ±0.5 octaves The A and B outputs provide sine and saw waves respectively, with an amplitude of ±8V (16V peak-to-peak).
tune ±0.5 oct1V/Oct pitchwaveshape / PWM saw -> sine -> tri pwm -> sqr -> pwm The 0V point for the pitch input is C3 (approximately 130.81Hz). The Z knob/CV provides a tuning control, with a range of approximately ±0.5 octaves. Input Y controls the waveshape of the output signals. Signals in the range ±10V give the full range of possible waveshapes: Input Y -10V 0V +10VOutput A saw (falling) triangle saw (rising) Output B 0% duty cycle pulse 50% duty cycle pulse (square) 100% duty cycle pulse