Launchpad85 : Improved Novation Launchpad remote scripts

These scripts are modified version of Ableton Live 8.2.7 for Novation Launchpad and provide the same functionality but add support for editing the midi clips using a step sequencer , an Device Controller and an improved Instrument Mode.

Comment, feedback and updates : please check this thread on Ableton forum


First, download the installation archive from
- live 8.4 :
Unzip the zip file and copy the folder Launchpad85 / Launchpad95 into the Ableton Live's "MIDI Remote Scripts" folder.

For those adept of Launchpad Color I adapted this script to be compatible with Launchpad85. You can grab Launchpad85Colour here

Mode of Operation

Three modes are added on top of the existing modes. These are Step Sequencer mode to edit midi clips, and Device Controller mode to edit any parameter of any instrument, effect or device on any track of your arrangement.

Device Controller Mode

Device Controller mode is a sub mode of User Mode 1. To activate Device Controller Mode, press User Mode 1 button once, the normal User Mode 1 is activated (mode button remains amber). Press User Mode 1 button once again, button turns green, activating the Device Controller.

You can edit eight parameters of the selected device on the selected track at once. One parameter per column.

Navigation among tracks and devices is done using the top left navigation buttons. Right side buttons control on/off, device locking, parameter banks navigation and precision mode.

A summary of functions assigned to the buttons is shown in the table below. hover your mouse above a button to get detailed description.

prev device next device prev track next track Session mode user 1 device user 2 step mixer mode
turns selected device on/off
locks the control surface to device
select previous bank of 8 parameters
bnk dwn
select next bank of 8 parameters
bnk up
enable precision mode of sliders

Step Sequencer Mode

To activate the Step Sequencer, select a midi clip in the clip view. Then press User Mode 2 button once. Normal User Mode 2 is activated (mode button remains amber). Press User Mode 2 button again, it turns green, activating the step sequencer (in normal mode).

Pressing the User Mode 2 button once more, turns it red. In this mode (mute lanes mode), the side buttons (scene buttons) turn into mute buttons for the lane (lit in red).

A playback/metronome indicator is scrolling thru the grid in amber to indicate the playing position of the clip as the clip is playing. This is just an overlay, first rows are still available for clip editing.

You can navigate within the clip using the arrow buttons, going up and down in pitch, and navigating within the clip from left to right. The step sequencer can display any portion (block) of a clip using the left and right arrow button. Clip length is not limited.

Here are the color codes used :
- Normal notes are shown in Green, intensity depending on their velocity.
- Muted notes are displayed in Red.
- Notes being currently played are flashing in red.
- Notes being played and being outside of the currently displaying midi clip block will also flash in red.

Some other information is displayed, using orange colour :
- Note markers help to better visualise what row correspond to which note:
     - C are marked with three orange left buttons lit up.
     - other full (not sharp or flat) notes are marked with one orange button lit on the left-most row.
- while scrolling left and right along the clip, a vertical bar will display you where you are in the clip

A summary of functions assigned to the buttons is shown in the table below. hover your mouse above a button to get detailed descriptions

Note that the highest quantisation, the step sequencer behave differently :
the whole 8*8 grid is used to display just one note. this allows you to display a longer sequence of the clip.
in this mode, the step sequencer follows automatically the selected Drum Rack Pad. You can therefore quickly select the note to edit by going by into instrument mode, press a drum pad, and then back in step sequencer.

normal mode

move the 8*8 grid one note up
scroll up
move the 8*8 grid one note down
scroll down
move on clip block to the left
prev bank
move on clip block to the right
next bank
Session mode user 1 device
cycle thru UserMode2 / StepSequencerNormalMode / StepSequencerMuteLanesMode
user 2 step
mixer mode
Shorten currently selected midi clip
Enlarge currently selected midi clip
Cycle thru available quantizations
lock step sequencer to current clip
Activate fold mode (like in clip editor)
activate scale mode, multual exclusive with fold mode
cycle thru velocities and velocity shift notes
hold and press a note in the matrix to (un)mute it.

hold+nav keys to scroll up/down one octave
mute lane mode

move the 8*8 grid one note up
scroll up
move the 8*8 grid one note down
scroll down
move on clip block to the left
prev bank
move on clip block to the right
next bank
Session mode user 1 device
cycle thru UserMode2 / StepSequencerNormalMode / StepSequencerMuteLanesMode
user 2 step
mixer mode
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes
(un)mute this lane of notes


Known Issues

